Friday, March 19, 2010

But Dreams Have Meaning

Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul. 

Do you dream? Or do you believe that dreaming is a waste of time? Are your dreams connected to your future desires? Years ago I read a quotation attributed to Louie Armstrong. He said that Dreams are goals with endings.

This doesn't mean that dreams have no "meaning," that they make no sense. To the contrary, dreams correlate with age, gender, culture, and personal preoccupations, as evidence on this site and in many research studies suggests.

"Meaning" has to do with coherence and with systematic relations to other variables, and in that regard dreams do have meaning. Furthermore, they are very "revealing" of what is on our minds. We have shown that 75 to 100 dreams from a person give us a very good psychological portrait of that individual. Give us 1000 dreams over a couple of decades and we can give you a profile of the person's mind that is almost as individualized and accurate as her or his fingerprints.


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