'No-one knows exactly what dreams are, but one theory is that it's your brain's way of stopping your emotions overheating,' he says. 'Which means while your unconscious mind churns away turning out all your crazy imaginings, it's also working out solutions to any problems or issues you're facing. And because dreams are intuitive, not logical, they're especially useful when it comes to discovering your true, gut feelings. 'That means once you learn to tap into your dreams, you can actually learn to use their lessons in waking life.
How to read your emotional dreams...
'Don't take your dreams literally - they speak to you in symbols,' says Hamilton-Parker. 'Everything in each dream - the weather, how you feel, the theme, the scenery, the people and any sounds, numbers or colors all mean something. For example, an icy landscape may mean your feelings are literally frozen, you're not expressing yourself, while hot and tropical might express your passion. "Even the people you see in your dreams could be symbols of yourself, not actual people. For example, if you see your mother, it could be an expression of your nurturing side.'
Dreams Get Rid of Emotional Arousal
It has been agreed for some time that dreams deal with emotion. However, not all emotion causes dreaming. Only emotional arousal unexpressed while awake causes us to dream. So, for example, if you have a screaming row with your partner you are unlikely to dream about it as the emotional arousal was allowed full expression. However if you become angry with someone at work but cannot express it then this frustration will probably be played out during dreaming
Dreams Get Rid of Emotional Arousal
It has been agreed for some time that dreams deal with emotion. However, not all emotion causes dreaming. Only emotional arousal unexpressed while awake causes us to dream. So, for example, if you have a screaming row with your partner you are unlikely to dream about it as the emotional arousal was allowed full expression. However if you become angry with someone at work but cannot express it then this frustration will probably be played out during dreaming
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